
发布时间:2022-05-12 16:14:03




颜色及代表含义:white白色, black黑色, red红色, blue蓝色, yellow黄色……purple紫色,同时课程中老师还为大家介绍了其他不常见颜色表达,如camel驼色,brilliant blue孔雀蓝等。考生可以结合视频进行详细的归纳总结。

颜色习语:Brown sugar红糖, black tea红茶;red sky彩霞;black money黑钱;black dog忧郁、不开心的人;black sheep害群之马,败家子;green-eyed嫉妒、眼红;a green hand新手;a yellow dog可鄙的人,卑鄙的人;white man善良的人,有教养的人……其实视频中总结的习语还有很多,考生可以对比自己平时是如何描述的,然后就会觉得这些习语的可贵之处,而用在雅思口语考场上无疑是锦上添花的素材。


接下来,我们来看看颜色相关的表达。可以通过各种不同的颜色代表的含义,来进行描述,如,中国传统颜色,红色一般都是和joy, happiness, auspiciousness等联系在一起;同时还有明白颜色和性格的关系,例如喜欢红色的人一般会很外向,强势,热情,冲动等。而紫色通常会喜怒无常等。有点类似于性格色彩分析,而这里的句式和词汇的表达,考生可以多做积累。


What’s your favorite color?

Do you think that tour favorite color is going to change with time?

Do colors have different meanings?


1. What is your favourite colour?

Well, I love vibrant colours, especially bright red. You know, clearly, red symbolizes good fortune and wealth in our culture, so Chinese normally dress in red during Lunar New Year. Moreover, the jacket in red really matches me well.


2. Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite colour?

Yes, my favourite colours are black and white and I love wearing clothes in neutral colours because it can reflect my personality. Actually, I’ve seen some of the fashion magazines telling that monochromic shirt is the future fashion trend.


3. Are there any colours that have a special meaning in your country?

Sure, Chinese people actually are quite superstitious. They put different meaning on colours, like for example, red, yellow and green are occasionally used for festivals in order to express their joyfulness and happiness. So, they normally combine these colours together to decorate their home and courtyard.


4. Do you think different types of people like different colours?

Sure, well, I think people in different personality will certainly affect their faourite colour, what I mean is, if they are sportive, outgoing with positive thinking, they’ll choose something like warm colours, you know like, red, orange and yellow, which tend to make you think of sunlight and warmth.


5. How important do you think colours are?

Well, I’d say, colour is a crucial ingredient in our daily life, especially when related to culture and religion. For instance, in Chinese culture, yellow signifies freedom from worldly cares and that’s why all monks’ garments are in yellow.



My favourite colour is green and I have loved this colour from my early childhood. Green is the colour of nature, liveliness, fertility and freshness. The first reason I like this colour is that the nature bears this colour everywhere. There is nothing more beautiful than the vast green trees, green vista and fields.

Green is the symbol of life and it represents the safety. The colour green also represents good luck, health, tranquility. This colour has long been a symbol for fertility and that's why once been used in the wedding gowns mostly in 15th century. This colour is often used in decorating to show the calmness.

If we judge the colour green from the colour psychology perspective, we learn that green balances the heart and emotions and thus create the equilibrium in heart and brain. From the meaning of colour perspective, green is the symbol of growth, colour of spring and symbolizes renewal and rebirth. It is the sanctuary away from the complexity and stresses of the modern lives and the tranquility of the calm, fresh and greener area.

I have my wall painted in green colour and it is generally believed that green is an eye friendly colour unlike red. The mild green colour is a popular colour which does not look too violent or too dull.

I liked this colour even in my childhood and that I can be sure from the dominant green usages in my childhood paints. My teachers sometimes laughed at my weakness on green colour when I painted a green sun and green moon. I still remember I pained a green alien and that painting became very famous among our friends.

I am not quite sure how my fascination started growing on green colour but I guess I started liking this colour as I had spent my childhood in an area where green was the most dominating colour. This was the colour of nature and I was surrounded by the beauty of nature. I noticed in my childhood that green is the colour for living and yellow and red means dying, specifically for the trees and plants I had.

May be this idea influenced my preference of colour. May be this choice is not directly related to any of my experience and reflected in a later stage as part of my individuality and personal preference. Whatever is the reason, I guess Green is a colour of profound importance and is my favourite colour.


1.What’s your favourite colour?你最喜欢的颜色是什么?

My favourite colour is blue, it is the colour of depth and stability. Blue symbolises wisdom, confidence and intelligence. And I don’t like the pink because it is too girly.

2. Are there any colours you dislike 【Why?】你不喜欢什么颜色【为什么?】

I suppose so. You know, different colour conveys different meaning to people. Red represents passion and enthusiasm while green means energetic. So I always choose the suitable colours for things.

3. Are colours important to you?颜色对你来说很重要吗?

Well, yes, I have several clothes in blue, which can bring calm and tranquil feelings to me. I believe that blue is always fashionable in men’s outfit.

4. Were colours important to you when you were a child?所示.当你还是个孩子的时候,颜色对你来说很重要吗?

If I were to choose between the two, I’ll probably go with dark because I believe dark represents stability and wisdom, for example I always choose the dark outfit in my office to highlight my profession, whereas light suits juvenile better.

5. Are there any colours that have a special meaning in your country?在你的国家有什么颜色有特别的意义吗?

Yes, there are many colours that have special meaning in my country such as black, which would make people think of mystery. Also like red, it means lucky and good fortune in China, when it is New Year, people like to wear red clothes, set red firecrackers and give red pocket money to children.

6. What colour would you choose to paint the walls of your room?你会选择什么颜色来粉刷你房间的墙壁?

I would like to paint my walls in light yellow or light blue because light colours convey warm and calm to me which should be suitable for household.

7. Do you think different types of people like different colours?你认为不同类型的人喜欢不同的颜色吗?

Yes, I believe different people have different psychological demand for colours. Some need peace of mind, whereas others may feel like energetic and rebellious.





