
发布时间:2022-05-12 16:27:16


I can't do it.

Explanation:这是一句表达某人无能力或超过某人能力的典型基本句子。人的能力与精力都是有限的。合理的表达与适当的拒绝是十分必要的。否则,就会使你陷入十分尴尬的场地。这美句子的表达并不是像人们想像的那样复杂,它只不过是一种表示能力句型的否定形式而已。与此相类似的句型还有:I don't know anything about...。 I don' t know how I can ...。广州环球雅思提醒有时为了表达委婉.前面还可加上I'm not sure或I'm afraid等。


I don't know anything about gardening. 我对园艺一无所知。

I don't know how I can get it done. 我不知道怎样才能把它办好。

I'm not sure I can do it. 恐怕这事我干不了。

I'm mnot sure I know how to compile a dictionary.恐怕我不会编词典。


I don't reckou I can catch the last bus. 我看我赶不上末班车了。

I haven't got a clue how to compose a waltz. 创作圈舞曲我是一窍不通,

I haven't the foggiest idea how to play bridge. 我一点儿不知道怎样打桥牌。

I wouldn't know where to begin. 我不知道该从哪里着手。

I'm wouldn't know where to begin counting them. 我不知道该从哪里着手数起。

I'm hopeless. 我一窍不通。

I'm hopeless at mathematics. 我对数学一窍不通。

I'm no good. 我一点儿也不行。

I'm no good at dancing. 我跳舞一点儿也不行。

It's no good. 那没用。

I've no idea how to get into touch with him. 我不知道怎样同他联系上。

Sorry, can't manage. 对不起.没办法。

Sorry, can't manage to find the magazine you want. 对不起,没法找到你要的杂志。

There's no way I can find the missing boy. 我没法找到那个走失的男孩。


I don't feel able to swim across the river. 我觉得没能力游过这条河。

I don't feel capable of making public speech. 我觉得没能力进行演说。

I don't think I have the abilities necessary to manage a department store. 我认为我不具备经营百货商店所必雷的能力。

I don't think I have the experience necessary to interpret at the negotiation. 我认为我没有在谈刹时当口译的经验。

I have no experience. 我没有经验。

I have no experience of teaching languages. 我没有教语言的经验。

I think that would prove too difficult to mend the broken vase. 我看要补好这只花瓶太难了。

I wouldn't say I was able to walk on a balance beam. 我说我不会走平衡木。






