
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:48:55




Q1 : Are there any famous museums in your hometown/country?

Q2: Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country?

Q3: Do you often visit a museum?

Q4: Did you go to any museums when you were a child?

Q5: When was the last time you visited a museum?

Q6 : What kind of museum do you like ? Why ?

Q7 : What kinds of museums are more popular in China ?

Q8 : Do you think we should pay money to go to museum ?

Q9 : How much should we pay to go to museum ?

Q10 : What’s the importance of museums ?

Q11: Do you think it’s suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?


Well, I’d like to talk about the Fujian Provincial Museum. If you have ever been to the West Lake Park, you would see the museum at the northern end of it.

Founded in early 1950s, now the museum is the biggest one in Fujian province over half a century’s development. The major construction is made of stones. And the architecture is quite modern and magnificent.

The Museum consists of three spacious exhibition halls featuring the Ancient Historical Relics of Fujian, the Revolutionary History of Fujian, and Fossils of Natural Resources of Fujian respectively.

Therefore, it holds a huge collection of exhibits, including rare artworks, excavations and revolutionary document. They are all available for visitors to explore.

When I was there, I was fascinated by those exquisite silk costumes from the Song Dynasty, a porcelain statue of Guanyin which was produced in the Min Dynasty and many amazing paintings of masters in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

A one-day trip there in this museum could help you appreciate the long history of Fujian province. So it’ s really worth visiting.


architecture n. 建筑风格

fossils n. 化石

exhibits n. 展品

excavations n. 挖掘物

revolutionary adj. 革命的

exquisite adj. 精美的

respectively adv. 分别地

porcelain statue瓷雕

exhibition halls展馆

rare artworks珍稀艺术品

silk costumes丝绸服装

major construction主建筑

ancient Historical Relics古代历史文物

revolutionary documents革命文件

雅思口语study efficiency话题

1. Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?


误区:有的同学回答的时候会在用词上和原题重合,比如‘I prefer to study in the morning’ ,或者‘I prefer to study in the afternoon’;为了在lexical recourses上面拿分,我们应该尝试把‘prefer’和‘in the morning’或者‘in the afternoon’给换掉哦。


a morning person喜欢白天的人

in the day在白天

in the day time在白天

think straight / think clearly思路清晰

focus on… 专心于……

but saying that我只是说说,事实是……


For me, personally, I find it a lot easier to read and do my course work right after I wake up from a good night’s sleep and have some lovely filter coffee. But later on after my lunch break, I would always feel so full up that I wouldn’t be able to do anything any more. But saying that, I can’t really manage to get out of my bed on most mornings.

2. Do you find it hard to focus on studying at different times during the day?


误区:虽然题目里面有说‘at different times’,但并不是要我们列举在几点钟的时候觉得很难专心学习。这里是说不同的时候或者场合。


concentrate on… 专心于……

during the rush hours



traffic sounds交通噪音

there’s car beeping汽车按喇叭

never fail to总是能够……

drive me mad让我发疯

do my head in让我头疼


Yeah, I often have that feeling actually. Whenever there are people talking around me, I just feel that it is impossible for me to do any reading or anything. Apart from that, the never-ending high-pitched noise from the road works never fails to do my head in.

3. Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning?

思路:我们可以用一个‘I don't know’做过渡,然后说说根据自己的经历或是猜测,可能是因为有太多像智能手机之类的诱惑把人们的注意力转移了。原因大家可以自己去想一想,都可以。没有正确与错的答案。

误区:这里的范文我们使用的filter language‘I don’t know’,仅仅是起一个过渡的作用。同学们如果一时间想不到什么原因,也不能光说一句‘I don’t know’就结束了,更不能一言不发哦。注意,雅思考试不以内容的对错打分,只是看我们的语言准确性。


from my own experience根据我个人的经验

drag sb. away from… 把某人从……拽走

and things like that等等那一类的东西


I don’t know, but from my own experience, I guess it’s just because there are far too many temptations and distractions out there to drag people away from whatever they are supposed to concentrate on, you know, like smart phones and things like that.


1. How many hours do you sleep every day?

这道题是简单的信息问句, 同学们要给出对应的信息内容。但切记不要只说I sleep for 8hours就没有了。后续要给出更细节的东西, 这里介绍给同学们一种方法:一切分情况讨论。

可以借助频率词:usually,sometimes,once in a while,occasionally,或者是on weekdays ,on weekends,on holidays等。

通常我每天睡几个小时,几点到几点,还可以给出原因,对学生来说睡前完成作业,finish the homework and prepare for the next day。早晨起床花费多久到学校commuting to school,这些信息都很不错。也可以再给出一个其他的情况,周六日或者假期睡多久,给出细节,这样语言上会丰富很多。

Actually,on weekdays,I usually sleep for just 6hours at most. Because I have to stay awake, finish my homework and prepare for the next school day until midnight and I must get up around 6:30 to fresh up myself then commute to school for 45mins. Fortunately, on weekends or holidays, I can stay in bed as long as I wish, maybe for 10 hours or even more.

2. Is it necessary to sleep enough?

这是一道必要性或者重要性的问题,对这一类问题一方面当然可以说明为什么有必要,对于本题就是have enough sleep的好处:

比如 storage up energy养精蓄锐; get a clear mind for the next day第二天精神状况更好等; 另一个也很容易描述的方面是:实际情况是怎样。也就是大家都知道这个很必要也很有好处,但现实情况下大家更多的还是怎样。 联系现实情况永远都是一个很不错的扩展方向。

Sure, definitely. It’s extremely important to sleep for at least 7hours a day. So that one can storage up energy and get a clear mind for the next day. However, the fact is nothing like this. Almost everyone I know stays up quite late either having entertaining activities, playing smart phones or doing their job or homework. Lacking of bedtime is already a serious social problem nowadays.

3. Is taking a nap important?

这个题目跟上一道题答题的思路可以很一致,但是如果是出现在同一天的口试当中,同学们切记尽量不要去重复之前用过的语言,如果实在是想说的内容方向很一致那就反着说,前面说了睡眠充足会怎样,这里可以说如果不午休会怎样,状态不佳getting sleeping or dizzy这样语言也不会很重复。当然也可以用我们刚学的方法来结合现实。就你所知,大家是否午休,实际情况如何。

或者可以表达相反的观点。虽然听说午睡有好处,但实际上不午睡也可以保持很好的状态stay quite vigorous and active,这样也不为一个顺畅的思路。 午休taking a short break in the midday.

Honestly,I’m not so sure about this,I have heard that taking a short break in the midday prevents us from getting sleeping or dizzy in the afternoon.But in reality, the majority of my classmates including myself stay quite vigorous and active without it.So it might just be a personal thing I guess.

4. Do old people sleep a lot?

在part1中,很多话题都会把主语转换为old people或者kids来进行提问。所以同学们还是要积累一下表示老年人的语言: the old, the aged,the senior,甚至也可以引入grandparents这样的表述。

回答本题目,这是一个询问现状的yes/no问题,切记在回答是否之后,自然要给出一系列细节事实状况,老年人睡眠其实很多,只是睡得早:go to bed so much earlier,大概几点就入睡,但是他们起来的很早,要去晨练 doing some morning exercise in the park ,早市买菜do some grocery shopping, like vegetables and meat for the family之类的。顺便可以提一下,我们中国的老人需要照顾全家人这一个很有意思的现象。

As far as I know, the old probably get more hours of sleep, maybe in average 8 hours. They wake up in the morning just as much earlier as they go to bed in the evening. Like my grandparents they start doing some morning exercise in the park with other aged friends at 6,and then go to do some grocery shopping for vegetables and meat for the family in the street market. It is a typical Chinese thing.





